Lessons and programs are free to use. Implementation of these programs by STEAMwSeniors may require a fee or donation to supplement the cost of materials and the delivery.
We search the internet for the best resources and connect you directly to them. Using these direct links and our own designs, we provide you with a list of suggested STEAM-related activities and lessons to engage your senior community. The idea is to present them to you in a format that is quickly assessable, easy to understand, and quick to implement in your various work contexts. You can use these as you see fit. Check back regularly for updates to all of these sections!
We choose these based on the Seven Principles of Leonardo da Vinci’s Seven Steps to Genius, proposed by Michael Gelb.
- Curiosity: An insatiable desire to learn and explore new things.
- Demonstration: A commitment to testing knowledge through experience and learning from mistakes.
- Sensation: Continual refinement of the senses to enhance experiences.
- Ambiguity: A willingness to embrace uncertainty and paradox.
- Art/Science: Balancing logic and imagination to develop innovative solutions.
- Physicality: Cultivating grace, fitness, ambidexterity, and poise.
- Connection: Recognizing and appreciating the interconnectedness of all things.